Wednesday, November 14, 2007

me fail english? thats UNPOSSIBLE!

Hey Guys...

I know its been forever. And ever single time I send out emails, I feed you lies such as "i`ll be emailing more often!" and "I`ll have more pictures!!!" and the such. Haha... I have honestly intended to be more diligent in my updates but ive been SO busy.
Before i continue with this blog, i have somewhat of a disclaimer....
At the moment in am in my Lab. Using my labs comuputer. My lab is at tsukuba university. Tsukuba is in japan. therefore my computer is japanese. not ONLY japanese, but ALSO a mac. a JAPANESE mac. I have no idea how to use a mac, and i have no idea how to use this keyboard. I dont know how to use the little contraction commas... (what are those called? T_T) and i also dont know how to use a number of other symbols that i have, since using this computer, discovered are somewhat detramental to english typing. I also cannot spell check. And im sure you all remember, or have figured out by now, that i am absolutly horrendous in my spelling. I apologize, Grandma and Grandpa...because throughout this entire blog, probably every other word will be misspelled, my english has become awful, i forget names of this, and anysense of grammer that you had succesfully distilled in me has long ago died... and im postitve that when i come home to visit you are going to be horrified by my english.

So that leads me into my next topic.... thats right IM COMING HOME!!! I will be back for a week from Nov 21st to the 30th. I am VERY excited. You really have no idea. Last night in my lab, i was talking with the only other english speaker, and she said
"you seem to be in a REALLY good mood today!"
"really? hm, i hadnt noticed..."
"it must be because youre goining home in a week!"
yes. thats probably true....

Oh... so about lab...
I was becoming impatient because I have no idea when i was supposed to start doing actually working... Well..i eventually started. And BOY! Im not sure if i had mentioned that when i first met my advisor that he thought i was a graduate research student....when everyone found out that i was an undergraduate with only a year of general biology they were a little dissapointed... but my advisor encouraged me to continue anyways.
When i finally did get started on doing actual work it was NOT a gradual transition... All of a sudden, everyday of the week, from 3pm to 9pm. Within the first week, i learned how to do
3 kinds of PCR
grow up a colony
and then extract the plasmid.
Sequence the plasmid
anyalyze the sequence using online libraries
put a promotor and terminator on a gene
and then put it into a vector.
the next part of our project involves using agrobacterium to insert our target gene into a growing tomato plant.
theres ALWAYS so much work to day, and im struggling to keep up with the basic concepts behing the experiments. Ive been doing TONS of reading. In my molecular biology book, and research articles that my boss gives me.

my day is SO tiring. I wake up at 7am. Class from 8 30 - 11.30 and then 1-3. then lab from 3.30 until whenever work is done, which is usally around 9 or 10. Then i have a couple hours of homework each night...
so thats my excuse for not emailing...

Last week i was sick. It was pretty not fun. But im better now. I was supprised that it only took me little over a week to be completly better. Usually a common cold for me means a struggle with broncitis.

I was having a really hard time a few weeks ago. Depression? Maybe...all i wanted to do in my free time was sleep...but then again since i was only getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night... i might have just been tired. But none the less, i was having a hard time. Lab was hard... i didnt understand anything. No one talked to me... no one would even LOOK at me when i walked into the room. The guy training me was always frustrated at me because we have TONS of miscommunications (his english isnt that all...) yeah... it was sad. *I* was sad...
but things are ok now. Ive gotten used to being somewhat ignored in lab, and my lab mates have gotten somewhat used to me being there... so i guess its somewhat helped us to meet in the middle. We had a lab bowling night a few weeks ago... that was pretty fun. Helped lossen things up between me and a couple of my lab mates. we now smile at each other in the halls instead of ignoring eachother... hahah... but i DID have a 5 minute conversation with one of the kids yesterday...that was exciting... haha...

SO...again... im coming home next week! And i have presents for EVERYONE. (i think/hope littereally everyone >.>.....)
if you want to hang out email me at before the 20th (your time)
or after the 21st (your time)
thanks for reading guys, hope to see you all sooon!! <3

a giant chair in the middle of the park...i have no idea... oh japan..

my new friend erika and me :D Shes japanese but learned english in england and has an australian accent. and shes weird. haha <3

Halloween party!

At an Izakaiya. (Satoshi, Sachiko, jean)

some cool stairs.

weird me...

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